Friday, August 26, 2011

Being on time

Don't really remember when was the last time I woke up early, like around 6,
that's why I guess unconsciously I chose not to sleep 

Yes, I did wake up early.  I mean only slept for an hour.
Such a beautiful morning, birds singing outside, almost no one ...
oops, the taxi came...see you then!


Have almost finished packing things for the journey.
Couple of things left, will do after 1 hour of sleep :)
Like always...plan to pack less...turns out there isn't enough place in suitcase...
and the picture below just says it all.


Yeah, it was raining, and it was raining cats and dogs.
When it started I actually wasn't surprised.  I am already used to it.  It is always like that.
This year it started  and it is still like that.
It rains and just before I am on my way to take a plane and wandering what in the world is happening with the weather.
So if you ever need rain, thunder, sad know whom to address :)

Here it goes...

Thank you for stopping by.
Hope you'll like my blog and we'll meet more often.
Tomorrow I will be leaving for vacation-training with some of my friends.  You can come with us by checking the blog as I am planning to post about the journey we're gonna have.